Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Overdue Report: AHA Conference

Another conference come and gone, and us asking wha' happened? Thanks to our friends Jason Smith and Mike O'Brien, our kegs, cases, and cooler made it safely to Minneapolis for our talk, where it was handled efficiently by the hard working folks who volunteered to run this year's event. We think our talk went OK; at the very least, no one died, and we were not chased by an angry mob wielding pitchforks and torches. Our talk contained approximately 10% useful information, and 90% tommyrot, which seemed to go over well enough. Plus, there was beer, which always helps. Here's a picture I copped from David Greenbaum's online album:

Mrs. Cicerone is wearing her Cicerone.org official logo headpiece, thus managing, as always, to look simultaneously 1) like an escaped lunatic, and 2) utterly fetching.

Some conference high points:

The all-Cicerone dinner--

When we arrived in Minneapolis, the first thing we did was head to a great beer bar and restaurant called Happy Gnome for dinner with a gaggle of Cicerones. The only person in the picture that isn't a Cicerone is Raymo himself, and that's OK, I reckon.

Clash of the Luchadores--

One of the speakers at the conference, Mr. Kris England, has been submitting a picture of himself in a luchador mask when asked for biographical information. We thought he might, well, shit a brick if we slipped into the back row during his talk wearing our El Santo (Annette) and El Demonio Azul (Mike) suits. He did. After his talk, we did duly administer groin kicks, eye gouges, and hammerlocks, as required. While we have yet to score a picture of Kris receiving his furious beating, I do have for you a picture capturing my aerial assault of one Mr. Stevie Hamburg.

I refused to let go until he said, "Tio!"

Next year, we hope to see you all in San Diego....

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